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The Internet, World's Number 1 Language

The Internet, World's Number 1 Language

The world is made up of many languages. Without a doubt, these languages find their way on the Internet as users interact amongst themselves. For instance, a website that targets are Asian region is ideally coined in a language commonly spoken there rather than English. It may seem odd for a website that would primarily have American visitors written in Chinese.

Despite the language differences, the Internet has managed to maneuver around the barriers, to the point of being considered the ultimate unifying 'language.' Yes, to a greater extent, you could regard the Internet as a language due to the emergence of technologies such as translation and definition, all of which are powered by the Internet.

Google Translate is one such technology. Started out as a mild project, today, it is rolled out to millions of users across the globe. The technology allows you to input a phrase in a language you do not understand, which is then translated to your primary language. You can also record the spoken words, thanks to Google Voice Assistant, which explains what was spoken.

Just like languages, the Internet is, without a doubt, a unifying factor. There are many ways in which it keeps us together, even if we are miles apart.

A global change in heart

If you are keen, you must have noticed a change in the way the world thinks. The change in heart is primarily attributed to the Internet.

Increased interconnectivity has made it possible to connect with anyone across the globe in a matter of seconds. Twitter and Facebook give users a chance to build relationships within their borders and across borders. You get to share the news with your connections, allowing you to learn what is taking place in other countries in no time.

Such connections have made people change how they view their counterparts in other countries. For instance, about a century ago, Britain and France were locked head-on in a war with Germany. Today, millions of Germans, French, and Brits have strong online friendships. The same is happening to nations that have historical enmity.

Joint global causes

It does not matter which country one comes from. If a nation takes on actions that impact the global climate, the impact is felt worldwide. Thanks to the Internet, this reality is shared with all. As a result, global causes such as a drive to reduce atmospheric emissions earn a universal appeal, making them more appealing.

The idea of memes and viral videos may not seem like much, but they are the first sign of an emerging global culture. Continued education about the cultures of other countries paves the way for a culture that does not belong to just a single nation. Instead, it belongs to all.

Under such a situation, movements that were initially local rightly gain national and global interest. The concept of faraway countries is diluted in the process.

 The Internet is uniting the Earth in more ways than described herein. Its positives and negatives are subject to further discussion, but the truth is that it has infused an element of humanity that may not have been possible without it.

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