Dear Nomad Internet Customer,

My wife, Jessica, and I started Nomad Internet about 4 years ago. We started Nomad because of our personal experience. See, we actually spent much of our lives living in a rural area without High-Speed internet. We understand what it feels like to go without the ability to connect in a day and age where everything requires a high-speed connection. We started Nomad to help those that truly need High-Speed internet where they live.
At the start of 2020, our business started to grow faster than any of us ever expected. We were blown away by how MANY people in the United States still need affordable and reliable internet service. We were privileged to become one of the largest Rural Internet Providers in the United States and provide access to those who need it most.
We were able to respond to all of those who needed a way to connect to the world after the impact from the Covid-19 virus. We here at Nomad Internet have come a long way since then and have had the privilege and opportunity to become part of an entire community of rural residents. All they needed was a reliable internet connection that worked. Our perspective has never changed, you should not have to pay more to live where you choose to live. Plain and simple.
I know it’s been a long time since many of you have heard a real update from me ( So, it is my pleasure to make a few announcements!
First, we are pleased to announce that Nomad Internet has become a part of the Verizon Preferred Partner Program!
The Nomad Internet and Verizon partnership will allow us to offer many new products and services. Most importantly, we will now be able to provide the service and reliability we originally built the Nomad brand on.
SIGNIFICANT CHANGES to your Nomad Internet Service and Works Anywhere Plans.

If you purchased your Nomad Internet service before December 7, 2022, your service will now be called “Nomad Legend Plan.”
Nomad Legend accounts and equipment will continue to work for as long as it is operational. In the event of service failure or loss of connectivity , technical support and service restoration will no longer be offered for Nomad Legend accounts.
You will have the following (3) options available to you:
You can view this notice at
We are announcing the new “Nomad Internet Verizon 5G Unlimited Plan” and new “Nomad Air” modem through our website! At
Nomad Internet 5G Unlimited Plan
This plan will work on the Verizon Partner network and will include Unlimited 5G service within the Verizon 5G Ultra-Wide Band (C-Band) coverage area and also includes 300GB of 4G data. Our new plan also includes the ability to pause and resume service on demand through our new Nomad Internet app for free!
Nomad Air Modem
The new Nomad Air Modem has a MSRP of $699 and features the Qualcomm® Snapdragon™ X55 5G. The Snapdragon X55 5G Modem-RF System supports virtually any combination of spectrum bands and/or modes: 5G mmWave and sub-6 GHz.
The Nomad Air modem is one of the newest, fastest, most reliable 5G Ultra-Wide (C-band) modems on the market. Our internal Team has done extensive testing on these modems prior to releasing them to our customers and has been extremely satisfied with the results.
Most importantly, the Nomad Air Modem supports the new 5G Ultra-Wide (C-band) for multiple network providers. And, it is certified by Verizon to work specifically with the new “Nomad Internet Verizon 5G Unlimited Plan.”
The Nomad Air Modem is dual network / dual SIM capable, making it compatible with future Nomad Internet features (stay tuned for a “Dual Network” Plan!).
Our mission is to bring reliable High-Speed internet to those that are underserved and without any Internet at all. We have decided to put our “money where our mouth is” and subsidize much of the cost of the new Nomad Air Modem to make it more affordable to as many customers as possible.
The New Nomad Air Modem will be priced starting at $299 with a two-year service agreement.
We are offering “Nomad Legacy Customers” the opportunity to purchase this new plan, as well as the new Nomad Air modem, at a promotional price of $199. This offer is only available to Nomad Legacy subscribers.
The New Nomad Air Modem and Nomad Internet Verizon 5G Unlimited Plan are certified by Verizon to work together. Now, you can depend on America’s most reliable cellular network to provide you reliable High-Speed internet wherever you are!
- The New Nomad Plan and Modem are certified to work together so your service never changes
- Using the new Nomad Internet Mobile App you can Pause and Unpause your billing
- The Nomad Air Modem works with the newest 5G Ultra-Wide (C-band) technology
- The Nomad Air Modem, combined with new 5G Ultra-Wide (C-band), will have unlimited data (or 300GB if on 4G)
To place an order for the Nomad Air and Nomad Internet Verizon 5G Unlimited Plan, please visit us at and enter the code NOMAD5G at checkout to receive your discount.
Offer valid until February 1, 2023.
When you originally purchased your Nomad Legend Plan, you paid a Membership Fee. This fee created your Nomad Legend Plan and is outlined here:
Separately , when you first purchased your service, you were mailed a modem that belonged to Nomad Internet that allowed you to use your Nomad Service.
We have decided to allow you to keep our original modem we sent you. It is yours to keep for FREE and it will not need to be returned!
Optionally, you may also subscribe to the new “Nomad Internet Verizon 5G Unlimited Plan” and “Bring Your Own Equipment”
You can subscribe to this Sim Only option with NO startup cost as an existing Nomad Legend Customer. You can purchase the “Bring your Own Device” plan at
If a non Verizon-certified device is used, the new service is being purchased at your own risk and service cannot be guaranteed and you must receive technical support from the Manufacturer of the modem.
The only device Nomad Internet will now support is the new Nomad Air and Nomad Raptor Modem!
Simply do nothing and remain a Nomad Legend Customer. Your existing Nomad Legend Plan will remain at the SAME price you pay now, and continue to work for as long as the backhaul provider is able to support your Nomad Legend Plan.
Nomad Legend Customers will use a NEW support email located at: for any billing or other Nomad Legend questions.
I want you to know that you can expect a DIFFERENT Nomad going forward. We will innovate again. We help LEAD the charge for better internet in rural areas. That continues to today with the release of the Nomad Internet Mobile App that will give you the ability to do things like Pause your Internet for free!
And, we are just getting started. We WILL have the best support in the industry.
We are excited to share the new Nomad Internet Modem and Unlimited 5G Plan with all of our friends and family!
Thank you for being a part of our Nomad Internet family, onward!
Best Regards,
Jaden and Jessica Garza